Tuesday, January 29, 2008


As a girl my hair has always been so thin that you could practically see through it; which is why i ordered the Mane'n Tail shampoo after seeing an advertisement on tv. The advertisement promised for "stronger, healthier more fuller looking hair"(Straight Arrow). I can tell you that after using that shampoo i did not see any difference at all. My hair stayed straight and thin and dead as it was. I didn't think it was such a good idea to keep using the shampoo when i found out that "people started using the products to achieve the beautiful results they saw with their own horses' manes and tails" (Straight Arrow). Maybe thats why my hair wasn't changing. Obviously my hair was nothing compared to horses hair! So much for tv, it just makes everything work good on other people but somehow doesnt work on me.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

crisis of modernity

As Christians, with the crisis of modernity, i think we see it more as a tradition, so we sorta fall in with the postmodernist, whatever happens, happens kinda thing...as Christians tho, we need to be the influence on the postmodernist and show Gods love to them...they can live better with Jesus!


The last paragraph in Happy Endings is metafictional because the fictional writing is self-consciously drawing attention to its position in the question about the relationship b/w fiction and reality.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

captain jack sparrow...postmodern

the movie Pirates of the Carribean is a postmodern movie because it recaptures and represents the setting featuring the past. Jack Sparrow is a postmodern because he doesn't really care about anything and just acts himself...whatever happens, happens!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


i was at at a bible study on Friday night and there was this one new girl that came from Moses Lake, as i later found out. She wasn't really talkative and only knew one person there so i just went over there and just asked her name and where she was from. Then i asked her to hang out with us the next day but she never showed up...at least i tried. Usually i get to know people if they are with my friends and are new or something but this time i just kind of did it myself to break free my little comfort zone, but it wans't that bad.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


i don't really know of it's important if it's approval or disapproval but to me it seems like Claudius is just giving them another thing for them to do for him and they don't know whats going to happen...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


i think the echoes are just their useless talk in a place where they really aren't known or really useful. . .kinda just in a little world of their own that echoes their words all back to them, they never really give messages to anyone.